West Hills

Frequently Asked Questions

The rates are regulated by the Ministry of Long-Term Care for all long term care homes in the province of Ontario, therefore, the rates are the same and do not differ from one home to another.

Yes. You may also choose to select one of the Physicians appointed (contracted) by the Home. Consent to Treatment must be signed by the Resident/SDM and the Attending Physician.

Residents will be provided with a bed, mattress, pillows, a bedside dresser, a bedside chair, built in closet and a TV unit. The following table is a guideline of permissible and Non-permissible items: CATEGORY PERMISSIBLE NON-PERMISSIBLE.

Yes, as long as the proof of vaccination is provided to the Home to keep on file. For the safety of other residents, the pet MUST be kept on a leash while visiting.

Yes. If the room is not available on admission both residents will be placed on a waiting list. It may take up to three (3) months or longer before a room becomes available to accommodate both parents. Basic accommodation rates are applied.

The Home will take necessary measures to ensure appropriate placement in collaboration with the Resident/SDM, Attending Physician, Medical Director and HCCSS Placement Coordinator.

The Director of Nursing will try to arrange a more appropriate placement within the Home.
Yes. Two weeks advanced notice to the Recreation Manager for larger functions is required in order to make the necessary arrangements.

We provide regular laundry services only. The Resident/SDM must make arrangements for the services to be provided. The delivery and pick-up of clothes, including the dry-cleaning cost must be absorbed by the Resident/SDM.

You may bring shampoo, conditioner, toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, powder, deodorant, soap, comb, brush or facial tissue (if those provided by the Home are not of your choice).
The Registered Staff are on duty in the building 24 hours per day. Personal Support Workers are also available and are responsible for providing direct care to residents including dressing, bathing or assistance with meal service, etc. The number of Nurses and/or Personal Support Workers is determined and based on Ministry funding.

Clothing that is comfortable, machine washable and easily put on and taken off. Flat support shoes are most comfortable and easy to wear. Suggestions – Clothing and Personal items to bring on admission.

Yes. The resident’s diet is assessed at the time of admission. Food intake is monitored daily and if modifications to the current diet are required, the resident’s Physician is notified and the diet order is changed accordingly.
An alternate choice will be provided and available if the resident is not happy with the main meal. Menus are posted in dining areas.
Yes. We believe in good old fashioned home-made cooking. All meals are prepared and cooked in the main kitchen, delivered and served in designated dining room areas.

Yes. However, you must ensure that foods brought in do not interfere with prescribed diet orders by the Physician and/or Dietitian.
If perishable food is not consumed during your visit, it must be placed in a tightly sealed and labeled container indicating the resident’s name and the date the food was brought in, and given to the Nurse in Charge who will ensure that the food is properly
refrigerated. However, to prevent any possibility of food poisoning, bringing in meat or dairy products is strongly discouraged.

Any questions or concerns should be communicated to the Nurse in Charge of the unit and/or the Director of Nursing who will either deal with them directly or notify the appropriate department supervisor. If he/she is unable to respond to your questions/concerns immediately, he/ she will contact you at a later time and provide you with the requested information. You may also notify the Administrator if further clarification or information is required.

Yes. The Medical Director, in collaboration with the Attending Physicians and the Home’s Administrator, is responsible for coordinating 24 hour medical emergency coverage.

The Home/Service Provider will supply the resident with physical aids on a temporary basis only, whenever possible. The Resident/SDM is responsible to purchase physical aids as required by the resident.
The Director of Nursing/designate will provide the necessary contact information and assistance in the assessment and selection process as may be requested by the Resident/SDM

All activities, in-house or in the community, are scheduled based on residents’ preferences. Feedback from residents is obtained on a regular basis by evaluating each activity. Special events, such as bus tours, shopping and family picnics in the courtyard are also scheduled according to the Residents’ Council Committee’s requests. One-to-one programs are also designed for cognitively impaired or bedridden residents.

Please save all your Statements of Accounts received from our Business Office and consult your accountant for eligibility.